Master The Space
Ludum Dare:
This is JDA's submission to the ludum dare 42 game jam. It is our first submission to the jam. The theme of the jam is "running out of space".
After the universe has collapsed, a big black hole arose. Planets were shattered into small pieces and are attracted by the black hole. If the pieces won't get assembled to planets by a space master, they will be lost. Your task is to assemble the pieces back together, before the black hole can strike.
Game objective:
You have to put pieces from the same planet (same texture) together. If you put together 5 pieces (20 tiles) from the same planet and they touch each other the planet is assembled and disappears. When the planet is assembled, you get a point for every tile that touches the tile of another piece, so fit them together without creating any holes.
The black hole strikes if you didn't place a piece fast enough. When it strikes, it takes away your space and every piece that was placed on that space. So keep in mind to place your pieces fast enough.
Moving the active block: wasd or arrow keys
Rotating the active block: q (left), e (right)
Lock the active block to its current place: space
Play sound: u
Pause sound: i
Volume: o (up), p (down)
Next track: j

In game:

In game after the black hole struck three times:

Install instructions
To run the .jar file you need java installed. You can run it from the command line with the following command:
java -jar MasterTheSpace.jar
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